


Recording the journey of asset turmoil for over a decade (Part One)

My investment history is actually my work history, and it can also be considered as a history of growth.

  1. 1990-2012, Proletariat
  2. 2012-2015, No investment stage
  3. 2015-2019, Domestic investment stage
  4. 2019-2021, Overseas investment stage
  5. 2021-2022, Digital asset investment stage
  6. 2022-Present, Cryptocurrency investment

1990-2012, Proletariat#

22 years of schooling

  • Simply going to school, studying, playing; before going to college, I had no concept of money and no pocket money. My family was an ordinary household.
  • After entering college in 2018, I had my own living expenses, but my plans for the future were still focused on working hard to become wealthy. I was quite frugal, so I didn't have much pressure with my living expenses. I didn't have part-time jobs or many places to spend money. The biggest expense was going to internet cafes. In my senior year, I bought a smartphone for less than a thousand yuan. At that time, the iPhone 4 was released and many of my classmates who could afford it bought it, but I couldn't afford it.
  • My thoughts about money were to find a good job. I thought that with a degree from a prestigious university, I could earn a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, which seemed high at the time, but looking back, it was relatively low.

2012-2015, No investment stage#

After graduation, I experienced some setbacks but eventually entered society

  • During the early stages of my career, my salary was very low. At the same time, I was thinking about how to quickly grow, integrate into the work environment, and make new friends. In my free time, I still enjoyed playing games, exercising, and keeping up with trends by buying things. I bought a house in 2013 and a car in 2015, with some help from my family, but I used up all my savings from work.
  • It is regrettable that I didn't invest during this period. At that time, I read some books on finance and learned about value investing, the stock market, funds, compound interest, and annual returns.
  • After all, at that time, the price of a Bitcoin was probably less than 1,000 yuan. I had heard of Bitcoin very early on, but my memory is vague about whether it was mentioned by a friend or in the news. I liked playing games and had a natural interest in IT technology, so I thought blockchain was a cool technology.
  • In 2014, Bitcoin had a surge in popularity. I clearly remember experiencing mining and buying some Bitcoin online for a few tens of yuan, but at that time, I didn't really pay much attention to it and didn't save it.

2015-2019, Domestic investment stage#

The year was 2015, the most active year for the A-share market

  • I was tired of hearing about the A-share market, but one of the most attractive stories was about a colleague who turned a few thousand yuan into several hundred thousand yuan through stock trading. He personally told me it was true, but then the market crashed and he only managed to recover his initial investment. During the bull market, everyone around me was trading stocks, but I didn't have any savings. It wasn't until the end of the year when online securities firms were not yet common and I had to open an account offline. I took a few tens of thousands of yuan and jumped into the stock market.
  • When I first entered the stock market, I didn't know what to buy and when to buy at the lowest point. My colleagues were generally unwilling to recommend stocks, so I had to learn online by myself. I enjoyed watching financial programs and listening to stock analysts bragging. After listening to them for a while, I would feel the urge to buy, but often when I bought, the stock would either rise a little and then immediately fall, or there would be no significant movement and I would sell it and it would suddenly surge.
  • From the end of 2015 to the end of 2019, I traded stocks for about three years and didn't make any money. The most memorable trade was in the new energy sector. The stock rose by two trading limits, and I made a small profit of nearly ten thousand yuan. But suddenly, there was a correction and I lost all my profits, and then the overall market crashed, resulting in direct losses.
  • I have no emotional attachment to the A-share market. Whether holding stocks for the short or long term, it is difficult to make money. Many stocks have not seen any significant gains for years, and stocks that can double in value are like winning the lottery, which is very difficult. Once you enter the stock market, it is as deep as the sea. Losing a fortune is easy, but recovering it is difficult. Chasing highs and selling lows is the norm, and from then on, I became a "leek" (a term used to describe inexperienced investors who are easily manipulated by the market).
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